
For over 40 years, Search for Common Ground has been building trust around the world, opening opportunities for collaboration between communities, and creating breakthroughs for peace. Our ability to deal with conflict affects how we handle every issue humanity is facing. Whether global in nature, such as poverty, hunger or the environment, or closer to home, such as family or community relations, we face daily challenges to our abilities to deal with conflict constructively.

Without peace, development gains do not hold. Without peace, delivering humanitarian aid risks further suffering. Without peace, people have more difficulty exercising agency, seizing opportunity, and realizing their full potential. Peace enables trust and provides the foundation for collaboration to solve complex problems. It allows people to look past differences, have difficult conversations, take shared risks, find common ground, and invest in pathways towards a shared future.

Find out more about our work below.

The Energy Connection of the Mind Body & Environment

The Mind

What you think and feel about life will be reflected in your body and in your home environment.

I believe that when the mind feels blocked or stuck health issues will start to appear in the body.



The Body

The body is an energy connection of your mind, what you are thinking and feeling about life.  Ever area of your body both external and internal will have an energy connection to your mind.  Eg gut health issues when appear with low self esteem.


Your Environment

Your home environment is a total mirror of your mind.  What you are thinking and feeling about life will be reflected in the colours you have in your home, the pictures on the wall, layout of furniture even the plant. When you move items in your environment you move energies in your life.

Louise Bailey

WCK’s work is guided by our belief that food is a universal human right. Both in the communities we serve and in our daily workspace, we uphold and rely on our values to direct us toward fulfilling our shared purpose.

Without peace, development gains do not hold. Without peace, delivering humanitarian aid risks further suffering. Without peace, people have more difficulty exercising agency, seizing opportunity, and realizing their full potential